17 research outputs found

    Anticipating and managing the impact of change. Restructuring trends in retail banking : Case study on CaixaBank (Spain)

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    The collective dismissal plan of CaixaBank in 2021 is the largest of the Spanish banking sector and the third largest in the history of the private sector at national level. This last restructuring of the company based in Barcelona is illustrative of the last decade of deep restructuring of the commercial banking sector in Spain. Restructuring has been mostly motivated by regulatory constraints and mergers, together with digitalisation and financial problems in some cases. After three collective dismissal plans in the last six years, Caixabank announced its merger project with the financial services company, based in Madrid, Bankia. Months later, it announced its plan to adjust employment and branch offices to solve duplication problems. The bargaining process provoked the first general strike in the history of the entity and finally resulted in a satisfactory agreement for both parties, reducing the number of affected workers, avoiding non-voluntary leaves, implementing internal relocations as alternative, and proposing economic compensations above the minimum legal.The first section of this case study examines national and sectoral trends in terms of causes of restructuring processes and impact on employment. Section two discusses the background of the company under study and then focuses on the development of the bargaining process, the terms of the agreement, its implementation and the support provided to affected workers. Last section provides conclusions and highlights relevant aspects to consider in similar restructuring cases

    El mapa de la externalizaci贸n en el sector p煤blico espa帽ol durante la Gran Recesi贸n

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    El art铆culo sit煤a la expansi贸n del fen贸meno de la externalizaci贸n en el contexto de la crisis econ贸mica y de reestructuraci贸n del empleo p煤blico que se vivi贸 en Espa帽a en la pasada d茅cada. A pesar de su creciente relevancia, se expone la dificultad de acceso a informaci贸n referida a este fen贸meno y, por tanto, los problemas para su estudio. Se plantea as铆 el dise帽o de un coeficiente de externalizaci贸n aplicado al an谩lisis del gasto en la administraci贸n p煤blica espa帽ola, as铆 como las divergencias y patrones comunes entre las diferentes administraciones auton贸micas. De ese modo, el art铆culo sit煤a los procesos de externalizaci贸n dentro de un conjunto de pr谩cticas de ajuste y reordenaci贸n de las relaciones de empleo en el sector p煤blico que sirven como v谩lvula de escape en un contexto de medidas de ajuste presupuestario y la consecuente implementaci贸n de f贸rmulas que incrementen el nivel de flexibilidad del empleo p煤blico.L'article situa l'expansi贸 del fenomen de l'externalitzaci贸 en un context de reestructuraci贸 de l'ocupaci贸 p煤blica a Espanya durant el per铆ode de crisi econ貌mica de la d猫cada passada. Tot i la seva rellev脿ncia creixent, s'exposa la dificultat d'acc茅s a informaci贸 referida a aquest fenomen, i per tant els problemes per estudiar-los. Es planteja aix铆 el disseny d'un coeficient d'externalitzaci贸 aplicat a l'an脿lisi de la despesa a les administracions p煤bliques espanyoles, aix铆 com les diverg猫ncies i els patrons comuns entre les diferents administracions auton貌miques. D'aquesta manera, l'article situa els processos d'externalitzaci贸 dins un conjunt de pr脿ctiques d'ajustament i reordenaci贸 de les relacions d'ocupaci贸 al sector p煤blic que serveixen com a v脿lvula d'escapament en un context de mesures d'ajustament pressupostari i la implementaci贸 conseg眉ent de f贸rmules que incrementin el nivell de flexibilitat de l'ocupaci贸 p煤blica.The article places the increase of the outsourcing phenomenon in a context of economic crisis and restructuring of public employment during the last decade in Spain. Despite its growing relevance, we show the difficulty of accessing information related to this phenomenon, and therefore the problems for its study. Therefore, we have designed an outsourcing coefficient applied to the analysis of expenditure in the Spanish public administrations, as well as to the divergences and common patterns among the different regional administrations. In this way, the article situates outsourcing processes within a set of adjustment practices and reordering of employment relationships in the public sector that serve as an outlet in a context of budgetary adjustment measures and the consequent implementation of strategies to increase the level of flexibility of public employment

    Realidad, alienaci贸n y emancipaci贸n en Westworld. Una lectura desde la teor铆a cr铆tica

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    El contenido que una obra narrativa manifiesta t谩citamente a los espectadores es el momento hist贸rico de los creadores, desde el cual retoman recursos culturales que explican con latencia procesos colectivos yuxtapuestos. Las narrativas contempor谩neas, esto es, las series televisivas que se emiten en diversas plataformas, lo producen de igual manera. Bajo tal premisa, este documento propone realizar una interpretaci贸n de la serie de HBO Westworld a partir de algunos postulados de la escuela cr铆tica de Fr谩ncfort en torno al argumento central de la obra: estructuraci贸n de la realidad, alienaci贸n y emancipaci贸n, fen贸menos explicados por diversos autores de esta escuela de pensamiento. El m茅todo es el an谩lisis de contenido, congruente con el objetivo interpretativo desde ciertos conceptos para producir un metatexto anal铆tico con el que elaborar un sentido transformado de la obra. Se concluye que la serie puede entenderse como una representaci贸n metaf贸rica de las condiciones de opresi贸n subjetivas y las asimetr铆as naturalizadas con escasas posibilidades de concientizaci贸n; a menos que se sit煤en recursos normativos emancipatorios que tanto en la serie como en la teor铆a se se帽alan

    La gesti贸n de la diversidad ling眉铆stica en la empresa : un an谩lisis comparativo de estudios de caso en Barcelona

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    La diversidad ling眉铆stica en el entorno de trabajo se ha convertido en un desaf铆o clave para las relaciones laborales en Europa como resultado de la interacci贸n cada vez m谩s frecuente entre trabajadores de diferentes pa铆ses debido a los flujos migratorios. Barcelona es un buen ejemplo de estos escenarios, donde se presentan cotidianamente interacciones entre trabajadores locales y migrantes (tanto europeos como extracomunitarios), con el a帽adido de la existencia de dos lenguas oficiales. Desarrollamos un an谩lisis de estudios de caso (considerando variables como el 谩mbito sectorial, el grado de cualificaci贸n, el papel de los sindicatos, el tama帽o y tipo de empresa as铆 como el porcentaje de migrantes y el nivel de feminizaci贸n) para analizar los condicionantes de la diversa gesti贸n de la diversidad ling眉铆stica en la empresa y sus consecuencias sobre las relaciones laborales.La diversitat ling眉铆stica en l'entorn de treball s'ha convertit en un desafiament clau per a les relacions laborals a Europa com a resultat de la interacci贸 cada vegada m茅s freq眉ent entre treballadors de diferents pa茂sos a causa dels fluxos migratoris. Barcelona 茅s un bon exemple d'aquests escenaris, on es presenten quotidianament interaccions entre treballadors locals i migrants (tant europeus com extracomunitaris), amb l'afegit de l'exist猫ncia de dos idiomes oficials. Desenvoluparem una an脿lisi d'estudis de cas (considerant variables com l'脿mbit sectorial, el grau de qualificaci贸, el paper dels sindicats, la mida i tipus d'empresa aix铆 com el percentatge de migrants i el nivell de feminitzaci贸) per analitzar els condicionants de la diversa gesti贸 de la diversitat ling眉铆stica en l'empresa i les seves conseq眉猫ncies sobre les relacions laborals.Linguistic diversity in the workplace has become a key challenge for industrial relations in Europe due to the increasingly interaction between workers from different countries due to migratory flows. Barcelona is a good example of these scenarios, where there are daily interactions between local and migrant workers (both European and non-EU), with the addition of the existence of two official languages. We developed an analysis of case studies (considering variables such as the economic activity, qualification level, trade unions role, firm size as well migrants and women percentage) to analyze the determining factors of the diverse management of multilingualism at work and its consequences on industrial relations

    Ethics in the digital workplace

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    Aquesta publicaci贸 s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadasc煤 dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eurofound Correspondents. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuci贸 ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro Godino (veure annex Network of Eurofound Correspondents)Adre莽a alternativa: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/sites/default/files/ef_publication/field_ef_document/ef22038en.pdfDigitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns. Recently, the policy debate surrounding these concerns has become more prominent and has increasingly focused on AI. This report maps relevant European and national policy and regulatory initiatives. It explores the positions and views of social partners in the policy debate on the implications of technological change for work and employment. It also reviews a growing body of research on the topic showing that ethical implications go well beyond legal and compliance questions, extending to issues relating to quality of work. The report aims to provide a good understanding of the ethical implications of digitisation and automation, which is grounded in evidence-based research

    Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Spain

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    The INCODING project studies dynamics in the (co)governance of Algorithmic Management and Artificial Intelligence-techniques from a Comparative Industrial Relations-perspective. By identifying the main challenges for workers and their representatives, it aims to explore how to contribute to Inclusive and Transparent Algorithmic Management

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : Sea fisheries sector

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    Aquesta publicaci贸 s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadasc煤 dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuci贸 ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThis study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the sea fisheries sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's representativeness studies is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations. This study identified the Association of National Organisations of Fishing Enterprises in the European Union (Europ锚che) (representing employers) and European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) (representing employees) as the most representative European level social partner organisations in the sea fisheries sector. COPA-COGECA, representing employers in the primary sector, has also some representativeness in the sector

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : Industrial cleaning sector

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    Aquesta publicaci贸 s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadasc煤 dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuci贸 ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThis study provides information to allow for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the industrial cleaning sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue, and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's representativeness studies is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations in the field of industrial relations in selected sectors in the EU Member States. This study identified the European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry (EFCI) (representing employers) and UNI Europa (representing employees) as the most representative European-level social partner organisations in the industrial cleaning sector

    Cirurgia de columna vertebral als hospitals p煤blics de Catalunya: proposta organitzativa

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    Cirurgia de columna vertebral; Hospitals p煤blics; Organitzaci贸Cirug铆a de columna vertebral; Hospitales p煤blicos; Organizaci贸nSpinal surgery; Public hospitals; OrganizationEls objectius d'aques document son: 1. Consensuar els criteris d鈥檌ndicaci贸 de la cirurgia de columna vertebral en diferents situacions cl铆niques. 2. Analitzar i definir els diferents nivells quir煤rgics segons complexitat de la cirurgia de columna vertebral en la poblaci贸 de Catalunya. 3. Establir els criteris i requeriments m铆nims dels centres hospitalaris per proveir cirurgia de columna vertebral segons els nivells de complexitat a Catalunya

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : audiovisual sector

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    Aquesta publicaci贸 s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadasc煤 dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuci贸 ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThis study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the audiovisual sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's studies on representativeness is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations in the field of industrial relations in the EU Member States. This study identifies EURO-MEI, EFJ, FIA and FIM - representing employees - and ACT, AER, CEPI, the EBU and the FIAPF - representing employers - as the representative European-level social partner organisations in the audiovisual sector